
Intro to "The Great Recapitulation"

Because I feel I've really dropped the ball—hopefully not down a bottomless pit—on this whole "blog" thing, I thought I'd first apologize to those who've been looking forward to my blogging, then actually set about writing the damn thing so that I can begin to make it a part of my daily routine instead of just a random exercise in futility.

I'm sorry I haven't been as diligent as I should have been with this blog: I know some of you have been looking forward to hearing more about my experiences over here, and I feel bad that I really haven't kept my part of the bargain. The truth is, as much as I love to read and write, I'm also a lazy schmuck, and if I can find an excuse not to sit at my computer and blog, you can bet your sweet, sweet ass I'll use it. I'd also like to add that, for various reasons, I haven't taken as many pictures so far as I perhaps should have. Again, I'd like to blame laziness ("everyone else has a camera... why do I need to take pictures???") for that. I hope to do a better job of capturing my experiences from now on.

Thankfully, my year in Germany is only just beginning: although I've already seen and done a great deal, there is much, much more to come, and you can be sure I'll be documenting it! I hope you enjoy the following recap as much as I enjoyed living it!


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